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Challenge: GCP Architecture

[Qwiklabs]Scale Out and Update a Containerized Application on a Kubernetes Cluster Tasks Check that there is a tagged image in gcr.io for echo-app:v2 Echo-app:v2 is running on the Kubernetes cluster The Kubernetes cluster deployment reports 2 replicas. The application must respond to web requests with V2.0.0 1. 파일 압축 풀기 및 Docker Build - 압축 풀기 tar -xvzf resources-ehco-web-v2.tar.gz - PROJECT_ID 환경변수 등록 export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)') - Image 를 ..
[Qwiklabs]Build and Deploy a Docker Image to a Kubernetes Cluster Tasks An application image with a v1 tag has been pushed to the gcr.io repository A new Kubernetes cluster exists (zone: us-central1-a) Check that an application has been deployed to the cluster Test that a service exists that responds to requests like Echo-app 1. 클러스터 생성 gcloud beta container --project "qwiklabs-gcp-00-337f72711928" clusters create "echo-cluster" --zone "us-central1-a" --no-ena..
[Qwiklabs]Configure Secure RDP using a Windows Bastion Host Tasks A new non-default VPC has been created The new VPC contains a new non-default subnet within it A firewall rule exists that allows TCP port 3389 traffic ( for RDP ) A Windows compute instance called vm-bastionhost exists that has a public ip-address to which the TCP port 3389 firewall rule applies. A Windows compute instance called vm-securehost exists that does not have a public ip-address..
[Qwiklabs] Configure a Firewall and a Startup Script with Deployment Manager Qwiklab 에 있는 코스중 하나인 Challenge: GCP Architecture 중 Configure a Firewall and a Startup Script with Deployment Manager 를 진행했다. 그렇게 어렵지 않았는데 결과적으로 채점시스템의 오류로 인해서 거의 3시간의 시간을 투자했다. 처음에 하다가 오류를 못찾아서 타임오버나고, 두번째에도 동일한 곳에서 진행이 안되서 끙끙대다가 서비스데스크에 문의한 결과 채점시스템의 오류였다. (내시간... ㅠㅠ) Task 목록은 아래와 같다. A new Deployment Manager deployment has been created The deployment includes a virtual machine that has an embe..
